Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Betta Fish Body Rot


Body rot is often confused with Fin rot. They are both bacterial infections and are believed by many to be the same thing. This is not true. Fin rot is caused by pseudomonas whereas body rot is caused by aeromonas.

 What causes body rot? When stress and poor water conditions exist in a betta’s environment, the immune system weakens and mucus lining thins. This leads to stress and illness in your betta fish. Aeromonas waits for the perfect opportunity to jump in and join the party once a disease has set in.

It is important to know that this disease is immune to many antibiotics and water conditions which includes varying temperatures.

To find out more on how to treat and prevent this disease, click here: Betta Body Rot


Friday, March 23, 2012

Sick Betta - Guide to Diseases

It isn't fun being left in the dark when all you need is an answer! If you're like me you've spent countless hours sorting through many websites when it domes down to diagnosing a sick betta. Who do you trust, what disease should you actually treat your aquarium for?

Luckily there is a new betta disease chart that lists all diseases, symptoms, and treatments. Now you can compare each illness side by side and know exactly what's wrong with your betta splendend and how to medicate your precious fighting fish.

to start using the easy to read guide, click here: Betta Disease Guide


Monday, March 19, 2012

Betta Fish Names

When I bring home a new betta fish I find myself wondering what on earth to name the little guy. Betta fish take a little while to exhibit their true personalities and quirks. This can make it a bit difficult to find a unique name that is fitting for your fish.

This guide will teach you how to create a clever name for your fighting fish based on your own interests and the color of your betta fish. The article also has name lists for when you are absolutely stumped.

Click here to find the best betta fish name for your pet: Betta Fish Names