Monday, January 30, 2012

Choose the Best Aquarium

Most betta owners have only dealt with a simple fish bowl. However, some of us would like to move on to a full functioning aquarium. Whether due to the desire of owning more fish or simply giving your betta a new home your new goal might leave you frustrated and confused in the process.

Initially when you head into a pet store looking for a fish tank you will be dumbfounded with how many options are available to you. Not only that but fish supplies can be quite costly. So what do you you do? You could purchase a cheap all-in-one starter kit only to have something break. Or you could go for the funky planet-shaped aquarium only to find out later that the maintainence is a total pain in the butt.

There are many factors to look at when making your decision. Once you've made up your mind and established you tank, you can't really change your mind without spending a lot more money. So funky or functionality?

For the 4 main aspects to consider when purchasing an aquarium, click here: Betta Fish Aquarium

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